Contact Us
South Shore Model Railway Club & Museum
Bare Cove Park - Building 51
52 Bare Cove Park Drive
Hingham, MA 02043
Mailing Address
South Shore Model Railway Club & Museum
52 Bare Cove Park Drive
Hingham, MA 02043
Phone: 781-740-2000
Fax: 781-740-8900
PLEASE NOTE: The club does not have street delivery set up for express shipments (FedEx, UPS, etc.). All deliveries to the club, other than US Mail, must be arranged in advance.
Mailing List
To be added to the club mailing list, please email dgalbraith2689@gmail.com or mail your requests to the above address. The SSMRC does not sell or loan email addresses to anyone.
Email Directory
President - president@ssmrc.org
(general inquiries, membership, shows & events, and donations)
Secretary - joe.dumas@gmail.com
(other correspondence)
Newsletter Editor - daveclinton@verizon.net
White Elephant Table - ebulman@comcast.net
Webmaster - edaville@comcast.net